Aspire in the Community provide a full range of services for individuals with complex care needs. These can be the result of chronic illness, disabilities or following hospital treatment.
Our centres are based in Yorkshire but we currently care for residents that have come from the all over the UK. Leeds is roughly a 30 minute drive to our residences and are renowned for the specialist care they offer.
Complex Care can incorporate a range of, and combination of issues from: learning disabilities, Autism, Challenging behaviours, behaviours of concern & communication disorders, it is sometimes referred to as long term or continuing care.
At Aspire we are highly experienced in supporting people who display these behaviours. We have lots of expertise in understanding why people might behave in a way that causes concern, and we only ever work in positive, non judgemental ways to help you. We carry out functional assessments, which is a way of us working on evidence to help us understand what is happening for you. We then tailor our support plans, focussing on communication, consistency, support and reward.
We are also committed to the Transforming Care programme which is NHS England’s plan to ensure that people with a learning disability or Autism do not have to remain in a hospital setting when their behaviours cause concern.
We have a wealth of experience in providing support services for people with a range of conditions including diabetes, epilepsy, sensory issues, sensory impairment, and mild physical disabilities.