Positive Behaviour Support is a person centred approach, focussed on supporting people with a learning disability who display behaviours of concern.

We are extremely proud of our organisations commitment to PBS approaches and our determination to ensure that no person with a learning disability is treated with anything less than kindness, dignity and respect.

We are highly experienced in supporting people who display behaviours of concern. We have lots of expertise in understanding why people might behave in a way that causes concern, and we only ever work in positive, non judgemental ways to help you. We carry out functional assessments, which is a way of us working on evidence to help us understand what is happening for you. We then tailor our support plans, focussing on communication, consistency, support and reward.

It is our aim to uncover the causes of behaviours so that we may understand why those behaviours occur and what we can proactively do to help service users to communicate their needs.

Our support is always personalised, we listen to the people we support and endeavour to provide care according to your preferences.

Our specialist lead in PBS is Bild trained and has a wealth of experience as a dual qualified mental health and learning disability nurse who has worked extensively with lots of people who need specialist support and is skilled at undertaking functional assessments in order to determine how to best provide support.

We always work in liaison with other professionals, and our staff teams work collaboratively so that strategies are implemented and reviewed effectively. We aim to work in the least restrictive way possible, adhering to The Mental Capacity Act and Dols.

We promote positive social interactions, meaningful activity and choice for everyone we support.

*Images provided by Mencap

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