We have over forty years of experience in supporting adults who are on the Autistic Spectrum and who present with highly complex and significant challenges.
Achievement: We will support people who use our services to identify their goals and we will ensure that they are given the support they need to make this achievement happen. Our role is to provide encouragement as well as practical assistance to ensure that the people we support feel confident in reaching their personal aspirations.
Support: We will support our service users in a way that promotes individual empowerment. We will make sure that we provide information to help with informed decision making and we will respect the choices that people who use our services make.
People First: We will make sure that the needs of service users are always our main priority. We will provide safe, effective care that meets the needs of individuals now and in the future.
Integrity: The directors and staff teams at Aspire will act will listen to the people who use our services and we will ensure there is transparency in all that we do. We will provide services based on honesty and reliability.
Rights: We will respect the rights of the people who use our services and we will support individual service users to have their human, civil and legal rights upheld.
Excellence: We will strive to provide the highest standards of care and we will monitor our services so that we can make improvements to benefit the people we support. We will endeavour to always provide the best possible service and we will promptly take action if we think we can do things better for the people we support.